Middlecut is made from Mackerel, a striped fish that contains lots of Omega 3 & 6 oils, as well as a list of other vitamins and minerals. This great-tasting and healthy fish is absolutely fantastic in a Durban Fish Curry.
Middlecut is also different to the tinned pilchards which are widely used in Durban Tinned Fish Curry, in that it is mostly canned in salted water, as compared to the tomato of chilli sauce of the tinned pilchards.
This absolutely delicious recipe by Aunty Maurine is a healthy, tasty and enjoyable family treat that will surely become a family favourite.
Keywords: Middlecut, Tinned Fish, Durban Curry, Healthy
Find it online: https://www.curryrecipe.co.za/durban-middlecut-fish-curry/